
Various Links that I have found useful.

Bombing Science

Bombing science is a great site for pictures of Canadian graffiti. They also have a really cool store and awesome forums.


Artcrimes is a good source for international graffiti and it also has a good store.

Visual Orgasm

Visual Orgasm is another place with pictures of Canadian graffiti.

Ewok One

Ewok is my favourite artist. He has a really nice site with lots of pictures of his and other people's work.

Dabs One

Dabs is another one of my favourite writers. He also has a nice site.

Piece Park

This is my friend's site. He is trying to make the area around the Ottawa Tech wall a park. This is the site for his organization. Save legal graffiti in Ottawa! Visit the site!

JetSet Revolution

This is one of my friend's sites. He is a comic book artist and this is one of his comics. I provided some graffiti for it. Join the forum there's not enough members that are into graffiti.

System of a Down

The best band in the world in my opinion.

Lamb of God

The other best band in the world.